Battlefords Business Excellence Awards

The Battlefords Business Excellence (BBEX) Awards are open to all businesses, except Crown Corporations, operating in the City of North Battleford, the Town of Battleford, and the surrounding area (approximately a 50 km. radius)  A business may submit its own application or the application may be prepared by a third party.  All applications must be acknowledged by the business.  


Visit our 2025 BBEX Awards Website Here!


Award Categories (Descriptions):

  1. New Business Venture Award
  2. Community Contribution Award
  3. Young Entrepreneur Award
  4. Micro Business Award
  5. Agricultural and Agri-Business Award
  6. Heather Guthrie Customer Service Star Award (Owner/Entrepreneur 2025) (Individual/Employee 2024)
  7. Members' Choice Award
  8. Impact Award (Non-Profit/Not-for-Profit/Charity)

*All applicants in award categories 1 through 5 who become finalists, will automatically be entered into the Business of the Year category.

 9. Business of the Year

10. Heritage Award / Business Hall of Fame Inductee


Judging Process:

All applications will be reviewed by the BBEX Award Pre-Selection Committee which consists of three chartered professional accountants. This Committee screens all applications to ensure they are eligible, the application kits are complete, select the finalists, and then forwards the list to the BBEX Awards anonymous jury, the BBEX Awards Jury chooses the BBEX winners. The jury is and will remain anonymous and its deliberations are completely confidential.



1. Public and business nominations will be accepted from May 15th, 2025 until midnight, Thursday, June 19th, 2025.

2. Businesses submit completed application kits before midnight, Thursday, July 24th, 2025.

3. The BBEX Awards ceremony will be on Thursday, November 6th, 2025. Location to be confirmed.  


Benefits of being a bbex award applicant

  • Public Recognition
  • Confirmation of your excellence in business
  • Right to use BBEX logo in your advertising
  • Event media advertising
  • Province-wide recognition -- Business of the Year award


**consider being a sponsor for bbex award? Click here to view all the sponsorship opportunities and levels!